
We are in the midst of the second American civil war. For now, it is mostly a cold war with only a few violent skirmishes here and there. This war is being fought in our courts, in our elections and very importantly in our media both online and on television. Below are links to several right wing media sites. Me linking to these sites does not mean I endorse every view on these sites in the same way those sites would not endorse every view on my site. In fact you will find that I will sometimes call out some of these right wing sites where I disagree with them.

But contrary to leftist propaganda, we on the right are a very diverse group of people. Some on the right believe in God while others do not. Some on the right believe gay marriage is immoral and bad for society while others do not. Some on the right fully support all the new rights that the LGTBQ movement wants while others oppose these new rights. But what people on the right can agree on is that we are opposed to globalism, socialism, the erosion of our national sovereignty and individual liberty especially as it relates to freedom of speech in this country.

And if you are wondering why Drudge Report is not listed it is because Matt Drudge has now gone full anti-trump and his site lists stories more like CNN does than a conservative site does.