“Black people in America are the freest and most prosperous black people in the world”

The Blaze.com reports:

“Dr. Voddie Baucham, Dean of Theology at African Christian University and former pastor from California, recently made waves when his sermon titled “Ethnic Gnosticism” resurfaced online. He joined Glenn Beck on the radio program Thursday to share why he believes today’s social justice, anti-racism movements are “poisonous” ideology steeped in Marxist critical theory, which aim to “redistribute” justice to certain societal groups with no consideration for the individual…”

Baucham went on to say:

“I’m also an American who, as an expat in a foreign country, I’ve been to dozens of countries in the world. And there are two things I know: One, black people in America are the freest and most prosperous black people in the world. Period. Bar none,” he asserted. “And the second thing is this: people outside of America just think that we are the most oppressed people in the world. People actually think that things like George Floyd are happening every day. That they’re not an anomaly. But that they’re commonplace … it sickens me. It saddens me … the reputation that black people have, that somehow we are weak and impotent, and that we can’t do or be anything unless white people do it for us. Which, by the way, is kind of racist.”

Wow such a powerful statement by Dr. Voddie Baucham. 

I was listening to a conservative radio show the other day, and a caller called in, she simply identified herself as a white woman. She spoke of how she had worked in humanitarian aid organizations in Somalia and Uganda and how she came to love many people in Africa.

But she said the sad reality in Africa is that various black factions greatly oppress one another. Some of her black friends would be afraid to leave their homes for days and would risk starvation rather than being shot.

And one of her black friends in Uganda literally told her that she wished her ancestors would have been taken as slaves to America so that she could have all the freedom and prosperity that American blacks have that those in Uganda do not.

This is one of many reasons I completely agree with what Dr. Voddie Baucham has said here.

The narrative that blacks in America are the most oppressed blacks in the world is on of the greatest lie ever told. They are the freest and most prosperous blacks in all the world.

Read the entire article here at the Blaze.com.