Sheriff will Deputize Citizen Gun Owners If Needed to Combat Rioters

Sheriff will Deputize Citizen Gun Owners If Needed to Combat Rioters

Darryl Daniels, the Sheriff in Clay County Florida, made the following statement in a video with his deputies that has gone viral:

“If you threaten to come to Clay County… And think for one second that we’ll bend our backs for you- you’re sadly mistaken. I know what happens when lawlessness prevails… If we can’t handle you, you know what I’ll do? I will exercise the power and authority of the sheriff, and I will make special deputies of every lawful gun owner in this country… to stand in the gap between lawlessness and civility.”

You can watch the fully video here.

I am so happy to see County Sheriffs like Darryl Daniels and others from across the country standing up to Leftists that would threaten our God given rights.